About Us

Welcome everyone to my world, my name is Jennifer(Jen) I was born and raised in Detroit, MI. I have always wanted to start my own brand, but I let FEAR take over. I wasn't very confident, and I always tricked myself into believing that no one would every support what I'm trying to do, or my creativity wasn't good enough, and that I couldn't connect with other brands. I had to let that FEAR go and just take a chance, because we will never know how things could work out unless we try.
The name World Creatorz was given to me in a dream, I remember trying to come up with my brand name, I wanted it to be unique, creative, but still make sense. I had came up with about ten different names, but they didn't fulfill what I was seeking. So I prayed about it and asked GOD to help me, that same night I had a dream it looked like I was on another planet. I was standing there, and a guy walks up to me and hands me a thick book and says World Creatorz. In my dream I was thinking to myself What is World Creatorz? When I woke up that's all I could think about, and I said to myself that's it World Creatorz.
World Creatorz is about being your authentic self, creating your own world with no boundaries. It's also about not setting limits for yourself, and working towards reaching your fullest potential. As individuals everyday we create our own worlds whether we recognize it or not. It's by the decisions and choices that we make, just know that you can create your own destiny.
When you put on a World Creatorz hoodie, T-shirt, socks, or even our dad hat you are representing being fearless, having self confidence, working everyday towards achieving your goals, changing your mindset, encouraging yourself and others to never quit. At World Creatorz we believe in quality, and a great customer experience, we also want to bring forth the best products, and to stay outside of the box because we plan on being around for a long time.
World Creatorz
Your World No Boundaries